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Printable Quick Reference Guide
Frequently Requested Information
Student Drop-Off & Pick-Up Procedures
Sexual Education Info & Opt Out Form
Authorization to Release Information
After-Care Info, Rates & Registration
Helpful Links
Volunteer Driver Registration Form
WISD Pest Control Notification form
Enrollment Forms
Re-Enrollment form Current Students & Siblings
After-School Program
GoGuardian Online Monitoring Service for Parents
Honey Creek Weather Station
Archived Documents
Executive Director Evaluation Tool & Process
Shopping with Scrip - Feb. 2023
Internal Resources
Parent/Guardian Help Center​
Are you seeking assistance with a school or classroom-related question or concern? Please visit our Feedback page for a directory of staff responsibilities and a request for assistance form.​​
Honey Creek Pandemic
Response Resources​
Honey Creek Risk-Level: Low
County Risk Assessment: Low

The Honey Creek Community School Board of Trustees relies heavily on the Centers for Disease Control and the Washtenaw County Health Department for guidance in addressing the Coronavirus pandemic.
We ask that every Honey Creek family learn about and follow the most recent CDC and health department guidance should a student or household member test positive for the coronavirus. The following resources are provided to assist in that effort.
Honey Creek Air Quality
Response Resources

In preparation for potential spring wild fires and the poor air quality they create, the Honey Creek Board of Trustees will adopt a science-based approach to best protect the health and safety of our students and staff.
Honey Creek has installed a local weather station on campus to better assess local air quality. You can access the Honey Creek Weather Station 24 hours below:
Submitting a Newsletter Article?​
Requirements, Style Sheet & Deadlines
Parent volunteers who wish to have something published in the Sunday News are asked to meet the following criteria:
1. Articles must relate directly to an HC, PTO or Foundation event or program.
2. Articles must be emailed to the director here no later than noon on Friday for Sunday publication.
3. Graphics should be provided in JPG or PNG format.
4. Text should not be bold, underlined, all caps or any other color than black.
5. Links and emails must be underlined and in blue, not bold.
6. Do not submit materials for publication in PDF format.
Each submission should include this information:
1. Who, what, why, when and where of event
2. Sponsoring organization/committee
3, Email address for any questions
4. Date(s) of publication
Please note that due to space limitations and competing priorities, we cannot guarantee the placement of a submission in a specific location within the newsletter. Submitted text and graphics are subject to edit.
Please confirm that all submitted links are accurate and working properly. If using shared Google docs, make sure the settings allow for public access.