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The Honey Creek Board of Trustees is our school's governance body.  The Board sets policies, approves and monitors the annual budget, provides management supervision and collectively collaborates with and evaluates our executive director.   

Trustees are elected to a 3 year term. Board elections are held annually in the spring to fill vacancies. The Board is made up of volunteer community members, most of whom are parents/guardians of current or former students. 

Board meetings are generally scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month at 5:30 pm at the school. The public is welcome to attend board and committee meetings. Public comment is also encouraged during public meetings as well as written comments submitted in advance. Please see the school calendar for specific dates and times.

2023-2024 Board Members (board term ending):

Board President - Sherrill MacKay (2027)

Board Vice President & Secretary - Dillon Hendrick (2025)

Treasurer - Laura Pasek (2025)

Dan Thiel (2026) | Mouna Mana (2025) |  Vincent Denef (2026)  |  Karen Bailey (2025)

Contact & Term Information

Next Board Meeting

Regular Meeting

Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

5:30 pm  ~  Room #144




Meeting ID: 947 0671 9227

Passcode: 766829

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