Please note the following changes to the regular programming for this week:
Girls On The Run begins this week on Mondays and Thursdays.
The Cub/Boy Scouts WILL meet on Friday, March 13th.
The Daisies/Brownies/Girl Scouts will NOT meet on Friday, March 13th.
We will put in an order for physical scrip cards at 11:59PM on Friday, March 13th for delivery the following week (they can be handed to you at the Talent Show).
The following clubs are open for registration:
Daisies/Girl Scouts/Juniors:
Cub/Boy Scouts:
Piano & Voice
Flute & Voice Lessons w/ Melissa Mashner:
Theater Tech
American Cursive Handwriting
Jazz Band
Girls On The Run (3rd-5th; M & Th from 3/9-5/22; looking for 1 more part-time coach, coaches receive 1/2 off child’s registration): or email for more information.
Aerial Silks - There are 2 openings in the 4:30-5:45pm class.
Flag Football (4th & 5th)
Please stay tuned for more information on other upcoming clubs. In the meantime, be sure to complete your online paperwork and register for after care before you need it. The fee increased from $10 to $25 after September 30th, and it increased again to $35 after December 31st. If you are having technical difficulties registering, please contact Shellee Almquist at If you have already submitted your online after care paperwork and need to make any changes from this point onward, please do so by emailing us at Please look ahead to the new year and alert us to any schedule changes you may need once we move. You must give us 30 DAY WRITTEN NOTICE to change your regularly scheduled care.
Finally, Scrip Fundraising is now being managed through the after school programs. Please keep Honey Creek in mind when you are doing your special event and everyday shopping. You can now pay with a credit card (but you do need to pay a 2.6% fee). Payments with a check have no fee; and automatic payments from your checking account have a $0.15 fee. Check out the attached “Scrip Cheat Sheet” and our website for more information. Please respond to this email with questions about scrip or to schedule a time to make an appointment with Sue to help you set up a scrip account and walk through the program. We will send out an email when we are putting in our next order for physical gift cards. This is a terrific time to purchase re-loadable gas, Meijer, and Panera cards; and to stock up for birthdays and other special events!
Please remember that we go outside everyday for at least 20 minutes unless it is freezing rain, lightning, or the wind chill reaches NEGATIVE TEN (-10) DEGREES BELOW ZERO. Children should dress accordingly (warm boots, snow pants, coats, gloves, hats, etc). IMPORTANT BUS REMINDER: Please be sure to alert Ellis Crayne, the bus coordinator, and the after school teachers if your after school bus schedule changes. Any students who miss the bus (it departs promptly at 3:30pm) will be dropped in to after care at your cost and your inconvenience. We will always trust the last information we received from a parent over any last minute verbal schedule changes told to us by a student (unless their adult has specifically instructed us to do so). IMPORTANT WATER REMINDER: Please remind your children to bring reusable water bottles to lunch and to after care. There is not a water fountain in the cafeteria. The PTO is generously letting us use a 5 gallon jug of water, and we had a very generous donation of paper cups (thank you, Tanesha!), but we do not want to be wasteful and only want to use those when students forget their water bottles – and not on a daily basis. If your child drinks from this jug, please consider donating more dixie cups, as we are starting to run low. IMPORTANT LOST & FOUND REMINDER: Please remember to check the lost and found every time you visit the building. We will be donating any remaining items the Friday before Spring Break and on the last day of school in June.